We are delighted and proud to announce that we have been successful in reaching the finals of the FSB Bedfordshire Business Awards 2015 in the Green Award category! Reaching the finals of the awards reflects the hard work we, our customers and the local community have put into helping to save the environment by recycling so many empty printer cartridges. We are so grateful to all our customers and the local community that have helped us in our bid to recycle so many printer cartridges. We look forward to the awards ceremony which takes place on 25th June 2015. It will be an evening of celebrating amongst many successful businesses across Bedfordshire. We would like to again thank all that have helped us reach this stage as it is a great achievement for us since trading just over three years ago!
To find out more please visit: http://bedfordshireawards.co.uk/
This news has also been published on the Community Life Magazine, the
Love Bedford & the Bedford Times & Citizen website.